Thursday, August 25, 2011


Ok, so no official recipe for this and it tasted great but the texture wasn't what I was trying to accomplish. My boyfriend wanted me to make this and told me what went in it like ground beef, tomatoes, macaroni noodles, and that he wanted lots of garlic. Apparently, there wasn't enough garlic because he added more even though I showered it in minced garlic, garlic salt and garlic powder. He also said it reminded him more of spaghetti with elbow noodles. Can someone help me out here? I will share the recipe I used without exact measurements because I didn't measure anything and then I would love if you would share your favorite Goulash recipe.

1 lb ground beef
28 oz can stewed tomatoes
can tomato paste
garlic salt
garlic powder
minced garlic
chili powder
elbow macaroni

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