Sunday, February 5, 2012

Skim Milk vs. Almond Milk: Which Is Healthier?

We have many choices regarding milk selection, including non fat options like skim milk. Choosing almond milk serves as a similar alternative to the fat free skim option, though it does bring up the dairy versus non dairy debate. Many people choose almond, soy or rice milk to avoid the lactose found in skim milk and other fat varieties. However, almond milk also poses problems for those allergic to the snack nut.

Skim and Almond Milk Comparison

Skim milk has a low caloric content, much like almond milk. Both of these choices have less than 100 calories per every one cup serving. Skim milk and almond milk each contain less than 200 mg of sodium and under 10 mg of cholesterol per serving as well.
Each contain abundant amounts of calcium, vitamin A and many other nutrients.

The Simple Differences

Compared to skim milk, almond milk has only 7 grams of sugars compared to the 12 grams in the dairy option. One cup of plain almond milk contains about 30 mg more of sodium than skim milk, however.
Along with most other dairy milk choices, the fat free skim milk option has around 8 grams of protein per serving size. Almond milk has only 1 gram or protein per each identical serving of 1 cup.
Almond milk does contain slightly higher levels of iron than skim milk, though it does fall short in the categories of Vitamin A and Vitamin C plus calcium too.
Several people choose skim milk due to its near fat free nature. Almond milk has 2.5 grams of total fat. The skim choice serves as a good option for those looking to strictly limit fat consumption in their diet.

Health Value Comparison

The lactose containing skim milk option often gets avoided by those with lactose intolerance problems. Statistics show that more individuals have lactose problems compared to those with almond allergies. This gives the skim option a negative check mark in the compatibility category for a large number of consumers.
One major difference between dairy milk and almond milk involves protein and B Vitamins. Since almond milk only has 1 gram of protein per each serving, dairy milk serves as a much more practical protein source with 8 grams of the macronutrient per serving. Skim milk also contains more riboflavin, folate and Vitamin B12 than the almond alternative.
The main difference that separates the two in the health debate lies within their sugar and carbohydrate contents. Skim milk contains 12 grams of sugars, which accounts for all 12 grams of carbs found in each serving of the beverage. Almond milk only has 8 grams of carbohydrates per serving, 7 grams coming from low glycemic sugars and 1 gram from fiber.
Most people tend to pick skim milk over other dairy milk alternatives because of its protein content and because of its fat free nature. Even though there are benefits from the protein and B Vitamins found in skim milk, there are sugars present. Therefore, if you do make skim milk your milk of choice, drink it in moderation.

You will find milk lovers defending their cow's milk the same as you will find almond milk lovers defending their choice of milk; the truth is, almond milk and skim milk do have their differences. The differences range from taste to health benefits. In fact, many people are switching from cow's milk to a milk alternative, like almond milk, because of the health benefits associated with almond milk. Cow's milk was once thought of as the best way to get the calcium the body needs, but almond milk also offers calcium.


Almond milk and skim milk are both white with a watery texture. Almond milk and skim milk both offer protein; however, skim milk offers a higher percentage. They both come close in the fat grams that they contain. They both can be used in a baking recipe with very little differences. 


Skim milk comes from a cow and almond milk is made with almonds and water. Unlike cow's milk, almond milk is lactose free. This makes it easier to digest in lactose intolerant individuals. A person with allergies to nuts may also have a low tolerance for the lactose in skim milk, and thus may not be able to drink either almond or skim milk. However, it has been reported that there are more people with lactose intolerance then reported cases of allergic reactions to almonds. 

Almond milk can be made as fresh as it is needed, and although it tastes better cold, it doesn't require refrigeration like skim milk. Skim milk, even though it has less calories then whole milk, has more calories then almond milk. Almond milk offers the benefit of not having any cholesterol, saturated fat or sodium, while skim milk does have at least 5 mg of cholesterol and 130mg of sodium.

Raw Food

For the raw foods enthusiast, almond milk is the better choice as it doesn't need to be heated or cooked, unlike cow's milk. Taste is everything and almond milk taste nothing like skim milk. Almond milk has a nutty flavor and comes in vanilla flavor too, which has a sweeter taste.

Baby Food

Skim milk is never recommended as a baby formula, as it does not provide enough nutritional value. In the Middle East, almond milk is considered a baby food. It is fast becoming an alternative for babies who don't like the taste of cow's milk here in the states too. 

Heart Disease

High cholesterol and saturated fats have been linked to heart disease. Almond milk does not contain cholesterol and saturated fats, which makes it a wise alternative to skim milk in people at risk for heart disease. 


For diabetics seeking to drink milk, almond milk provides a better choice than skim milk, as skim milk has more carbohydrates. Carbohydrates break down in the body as sugar, which is not a desired outcome for diabetics.

*article taken from,

I prefer Almond Milk to Skim and I purchase the Almond Breeze unsweetened Vanilla. Try it you won't be disappointed.


  1. Thank you, I found this post to be a very comprehensive guide.

  2. Not sure which of you copied (I'm thinking them) but this website is word for word what you said.....

  3. It can also be found at which I gave credit to at the end of the post.
